Thursday, April 25, 2013

Trip to Reynoldsburg

9:28- Sitting on the bus as we pass through Columbus on the way to Reynoldsburg, really excited to be starting this trip! Thinking about what the students will do this year in the projects I'm overseeing is really exciting. We have ideas for a documentary about the trail, a website that all our visitors can check out, and even a way to put QR codes on the trail so we can Integrate fitness into the trail. I'm hoping that students see the connection between globalization ad a global issue that can be solved by the things we do locally. That's the idea behind the rubrics we created during our Socratic seminars, so I hope they begin making those connections!

10:10- Sitting here at the Reynoldsburg eSTEM school Summit Rd Ecolab learning about how they put together their wetlands project using EPA grants from the Clean Water Act. They have done some amazing work that brought together people at the federal, state and local levels. As I hear the different partners they worked with I'm thinking of all the people we could involve; the city of Kettering, Wright State, Research Park and local businesses, the Dayton engineering club, the potential list of partners is endless! Hope the students are thinking about ideas they could incorporate and I'm ready to go learn some sampling methods!

12:29- Heading home after an exciting trip! Students learned about stream sampling methods and actually got to practice some of these methods and get dirty! Students looked for macroinverts like worms and snails (although I am only going off of what they told me here). Now that they know what to look for and how to collect the data hopefully we can map out what's in our own stream! Really fun trip overall and I'm excited to see what the DRSS Nature Trail could be!

Below are some pictures from the trip, including some cool QR code links explaining what lives around the trail, the wetlands, a shrew, the kids, and David and Zach doing some science! Thanks Mark and Jenny from MAD Scientists for the great learning experience, we learned a lot for our own project!

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